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Global Trading Platform - IB Trader Workstation

Trader Workstation (TWS)

Optimize Trading Speed and Efficiency

Experience Trader Workstation, our flagship platform
for active traders and investors

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Trader Workstation User Interface

Our market maker-designed Trader Workstation (TWS) lets traders, investors and institutions trade stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds and funds on over 150 markets worldwide from a single unified platform.

TWS Mosaic

Mosaic provides intuitive out-of-the-box usability with quick and easy access to comprehensive trading, order management, chart, watchlist and portfolio tools all in a single, customizable workspace.

TWS Mosaic global trading platform.
  • Get direct access to TWS trading, order, live quoting, technical research and analysis tools all in a single window.
  • Use the Portfolio window for at-a-glance account summary and position detail, the Order Entry window to formulate and transmit orders instantly, and the Order Monitor to track and modify live orders and review filled and cancelled orders.
  • Create attached orders directly within the Orders panel, including bracket, stop limit, profit taker, One Cancels Other, beta, FX order and pair hedging orders.
  • Add multiple Watchlists to view groups of instruments and create customized Market Scanners.
  • Add gradients, lines and bars to Market Scanners for easy-to-spot trends and patterns.
  • View interactive, customizable charts that support studies and trendlines.
  • View real-time streaming general news that you can filter by subject, as well as real-time streaming news for a selected underlying.
  • Enhance Mosaic with premium newswire and analyst research subscriptions from such tier-one providers as Reuters, Dow Jones, Morningstar and Zacks.
  • Customize the workspace to suit your own trading needs by snapping your favorite trading tools together.
  • Link windows and symbol action by color using the grouping blocks, and watch the symbol automatically change in every linked window when you change the symbol in one window.
Classic TWS online trading tools: assets allocation models.

Classic TWS

Classic TWS offers quick click order entry from bid and ask prices, with the order row displayed directly beneath the Market Data row. Classic TWS is always available to traders who need more advanced tools and algos.

Research, News and Market Data

Get real-time access to comprehensive news, research, fundamentals and market data including:

  • Up-to-the-minute news from leading news services such as Reuters, Dow Jones, flyonthewall.com, and more.
  • World-class analyst research from Morningstar, Zacks and a host of other providers.
  • Mission-critical financial information on thousands of companies from Reuters Worldwide Fundamentals.
  • Real-time global market data on specific exchanges.
  • Event calendars.

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Global trading system news and market data providers.

Real-Time Monitoring

Our real-time monitoring system lets you see the current state of your account at any time to give you the edge you need in changing market conditions.

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Account Window

View account balances, margin, funds available for trading, market value and portfolio data for all of your products in the customizable, easy-to-read Account window.

Margin Requirements

Stay on top of your margin requirements with quick-glance summaries of potential deficiencies that help you avoid liquidation, and try "what if" Portfolio Margining to see your margin requirements using the Portfolio Margining system.


See daily executions as well as net trading activity by symbol in our expandable trade reports.


Create Watchlists to monitor real-time market quotes based on your market data subscriptions. Create, resize and move multiple named Watchlist windows to fit your own trading style.


Create real-time alerts based on price, time, margin and volume that notify you of important changes in the market.

Profit and Loss

View P&L on your trading screen and in the Account window.

Digital candlestick charts at an angle

IBKR Order Types and Algos

Trader Workstation offers access to over 100 order types and algos. Order types and algos may help limit risk, speed execution, provide price improvement, allow privacy, time the market and simplify the trading process through advanced trading functions.

View Order Types and Algos

Risk Management

Our sophisticated risk-assessment technology helps you manage your risk in a dynamic market.

Global trading IB Risk navigator.

The Risk NavigatorSM

The Risk Navigator is a real-time market-risk management platform that provides a comprehensive measure of risk exposure across multiple asset classes around the globe.

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Online trading tools asset allocation model navigator

Model Navigator

Modify pricing assumptions and include them in the model price calculation using this sophisticated option model pricing tool.

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Global trading platform options analytics.

Option Analytics

Use the Option Analytics window to see values that reflect the rate of change of an option's price with respect to a unit change in each of a number of risk dimensions.

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Paper Trading

Practice your trading skills in a simulated trading environment with a Paper Trading account. Watch how your strategies play out as you develop, practice and perfect the skills you'll need to trade without risking any of your own money.

  • Test new strategies, products, exchanges, order types with prices and account values determined by actual market conditions – all without risk.
  • Access essential trading tools – real time charts, executions, market depth, option pricing, price risk analytics and more.
  • Learn market dynamics for new exchanges and products.
  • Access a Paper Account statement every day you trade.
  • Test your IB API (Application Program Interface) trading solutions.

  • The TWS PaperTrader works just like your production account. You can use most IBKR order types, trade all instruments available through the TWS, and experiment with almost every aspect of the TWS platform.
  • The PaperTrader interface clearly indicates that you are working in a simulated account. If you do not see this, you are trading in your production account and will be liable for all trades that fill.
  • Trades entered into this paper trading account will not actually execute on any exchange or settle at a clearing house. However, the price of your executions will be determined by real market prices and sizes.
  • Trading permissions, market data subscriptions, base currency, and other account configurations are the same as specified for your regular account.
  • A paper trading account statement will be provided each day and is available by logging into Account Management with your PaperTrader login and accessing the Reports menu.
  • All clients will start with USD 1,000,000 of paper trading Equity with Loan Value, and this equity will fluctuate as if the trades had executed in the real market.
  • You may reset your cash equity at any time by accessing Account Management for your paper trading account and selecting the Trade menu. Your account will be reset to the greater of either USD 100,000 or five times the total equity of the your production account. Note that reset requests should be entered before 16:00 ET in order to take effect for the next business day.

Although the paper trading account simulates most aspects of a production TWS account, you may encounter some differences due to its construction as a simulator with no execution or clearing abilities. These differences include but are not limited to:

  • No support for some order types including: Passive Relative, Auction, RFQ, and Pegged to Market.
  • Fills are simulated from the top of the book; no deep book access.
  • Limited combo and EFP trading.
  • Stops and other complex order types are always simulated in paper trading; this may result in slightly different behavior from a TWS production account.
  • Penny trading for US Options is not supported. You will be able to submit the order but it will not receive a penny fill.
  • The trade simulator will reject the remainder of any exchange-directed market order that partially executes. This may or may not match behavior of a real-world exchange. Market orders received while there is no quote on the opposite side will be held until the market data arrives (i.e. until the first partial fill).
  • Mutual Fund trading is not supported in a paper trading account.


This version of the Trader Workstation platform is only available from a desktop computer.

For more information about mobile trading solutions, see IBKR Mobile.

TWS Software

Click a version of TWS below to download and install our award-winning trading platform. Once the software is installed, log in by double-clicking the newly installed TWS icon on your desktop. If you prefer to perform manual updates use the Offline installers.

TWS Latest

Windows: 32 bit | File Size: 6.8MB | Version


Windows: 32 bit | File Size: 6.6MB | Version

TWS Beta

Windows: 32 bit | File Size: 6.7MB | Version

Offline TWS

The offline installer contains everything needed to install and run the selected TWS version. The Offline installation will not update automatically. If a new version of TWS is published, you will need to manually download and install the Offline program again. If you prefer to have TWS auto-update, install one of the updating versions above.

Offline TWS Latest

Windows: 32 bit | File Size: 164MB | Version

Offline TWS

Windows: 32 bit | File Size: 156MB | Version

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Any trading symbols displayed are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to portray recommendations.